
Alleviating Foot Pain with Custom Orthotics

Foot pain can prove to be an especially troublesome health problem. When you experience excruciating pain with each step, you quickly realize how critical healthy feet are to wellness. At Optimum Health Chiropractic Center, we offer various services that can help with your foot pain. Hire us to be your chiropractor in Portage, MI, and don’t bother searching for another chiropractic office.


Unlike many other “chiropractors near me” you can find while searching online, we can address foot pain by providing custom orthotics. Learn how these orthotics can help after going through the rest of this article.

Why Should You Use Orthotics if You Are Experiencing Foot Pain?

Seeking treatment from a “chiropractor near me” is a good idea if you’re dealing with misalignments in your musculoskeletal system. While you may only think of seeking chiropractic treatment if the aforementioned misalignments are affecting your back and neck, they remain helpful beyond that scope. After all, misalignments can still affect other parts of your body, including your feet.

Aside from causing pain, the misalignments in your feet can also affect your walking motion. They can also affect your balance while you’re moving around. The rest of your body compensating for those misalignments can also make you more susceptible to foot and leg injuries.

Avoid those potential problems presented by misalignments by wearing orthotics. Custom orthotics can adjust how your feet fit into your shoes and grant pain relief. The orthotics we provide can reduce the effects on your body caused by misalignments.

Why Should You Get Custom Orthotics from a Chiropractor?

“Chiropractors near me” are not the only ones who can supply custom orthotics, but there are reasons why you should get your custom orthotics from a chiropractor. For starters, your chiropractor is already familiar with your foot anatomy from previous examinations and treatment sessions. They can then use what they know about your feet to create orthotics that pair with them perfectly. Your chiropractor can also evaluate how orthotics may affect your knees, legs, and other parts of your body. Lastly, your chiropractor can prescribe different orthotics if your needs change. By getting your orthotics from a chiropractor, you can sustain your ideal level of wellness.

Enjoy the Pain Relief Provided by Custom Orthotics Today!

Work with us at Optimum Health Chiropractic Center if you’re looking for a chiropractor in Portage, MI, who offers custom orthotics. Drop by our chiropractic office today to get fitted today!




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